Deliberately Creative ~Stephanie

liquitex pouring medium and Golden High Flow Bottles

This is my personal Pinterest hack for painting a faux resin geode with awesome results! Check out Pinterest and search for Painting Geodes there are Hundreds of pins. But I didn’t see ANY that did it the way I do. 🙂 This is so fast, fun and easy!

abstract rose

You still have time to get ready for all the holidays that celebrate the Heart!

you can learn to draw

Here’s the Easiest Beginner Way to Draw a Hummingbird Step by Step Tutorial, you are in the right place! I walk you through the simple steps and there’s a fun and easy to follow drawing guide you can print out too!

pink rose peeling paint

This took me about 9 hours total to do. I recorded it but I only did an intro and ending. It took way too long for a regular lesson a video. So, you get this fun relaxing peek into my studio.