Oh My gosh! How have I gone this long without trying craft paint mixed with pouring medium to paint a real picture? This is not Abstract at all. Using the paints mixed with pouring medium allows the paint to be manipulated like fluid paints but you can also use them on a DRY BACKGROUND! Whew! That was a revelation for me.
I painted in this whole painting on a dry background with just a cut up credit card and a craft stick! We end up with a lovely painting that looks surprisingly real.

A Pine bough and Sapphire Blue Glass ball on a metallic gold background perfect for Winter festivities. YOu can do this on any surface that will take wet paint. I think it would make wonderful hand made greeting or holiday cards, fun wall decor or even painted on Wine bottles!
Try it out for yourself and make sure to tag me on all the regular social media locations! @deliberatelycreative
—-(Affiliate Links will take you to a shop where I will earn a small commission when you purchase – It will not change your prices ever!)—- Always look for the best price – Prices change and better prices may be found from other sellers.
Materials used:
Scrap of Ribbon for the hanger
Old Credit card
6×6 wood panels painted Gold acrylic gesso (Daniel Smith is what I used) You could paint with just gold acrylic several coats for good coverage.
(I got the Panels from Oriental Trading company in a pack of 12 for around $5 It is the wooden banner set)
This is the catalog number: 13580496 DIY Unfinished Wood Banner Squares
Decoart Pouring Medium:https://amzn.to/2DPtJrT
Decoart Extreme Sheen Paints:
Sapphire: https://amzn.to/2PNj1sb
Decoart Americana Acrylic Paints:
Snow Titanium White: https://amzn.to/2KnFPJh
Lamp Black: https://amzn.to/2FxAhwZ
Decoart Metallics:
Festive Green: https://amzn.to/2zEmHSZ
Condiment cups: https://amzn.to/2Bo2Mcq
Jumbo Craft Sticks: https://amzn.to/2KoGCJY
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I have a creative spirit that loves to explore and experiment with all kinds of Arts and Craft! I hope you have fun while you join me on my creative adventures! Make sure you have clicked that Subscribe button and the Bell so you will be notified when new videos go up! Fun things are planned and I hope you will be a part of them!
The most important things you need to be successful with any of my creative projects are the willingness to learn and to be easy on yourself as you are learning. We tend to be our worst critics and we need to learn to be kind to ourselves.
I love the community that we are building here. We are caring and supportive of all levels of crafters, makers and Artists.
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Credit: Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Music: Jukedeck.com
Find me at:
Instagram: @deliberately_creative
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sbergeron00/
Google+: +Deliberately Creative -Stephanie Bergeron
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/deliberatelyCreative/
Website: Http://deliberately-creative.com
Deliberately Creative
P.O. Box 113
Vancouver, WA 98666
Copyright info: Videos produced by Stephanie Bergeron (Deliberately Creative Sbergeron00) are intended for private use only. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video. Thank you.