Yes! You can paint this fun and easy happy little winter tree with one brush, a palette knife and a piece of string!

Yes, it is Easy! How to Paint a Happy Little Winter Tree String Pull Acrylic Art can be done by anyone with any fluid acrylic paint!
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Paint Recipe: All the paints were mixed 4 Parts Pouring medium to 1 part paint.
Take your surface to be painted on
Cover it with a thin layer of white paint
Sprinkle on some blues and Turquoise
Smoosh the colors with a palette knife or even a cut up piece of a plastic gift card or rewards card.
Take your green paints and pour a couple puddles next to each other to dip your string into.
Take a piece of cotton kitchen string dip into the paint puddle–let the string soak up the paint.
Pick up the string and wipe off the big drips of excess paint. Hold the string an end in each hand.
The string will sag in the middle like a letter ‘U”
Follow the video to see exactly how I make the tree.
Dab on White for snow while the painting is wet or after it is dry.
After it is dry Dab on more white paint – make splatters for snow and then sprinkle on the ultra fine glitter to make it sparkle!
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Materials Used in this project:
12×9 Arteza Canvas Panel:
Decoart Americana Acrylic Paint:
Cotton ball White Satin:
Bahama Blue:
True Blue:
Hauser Dark Green:
Festive Green:
Burnt Sienna:
Decoart Pouring Medium:
Art Sherpa Red Plastic Palette Knife:
Norpro Cotton Kitchen String:
WOW Ultrafine Glitter White Crystal:
I have a creative spirit that loves to explore and experiment with all kinds of Arts and Craft! I hope you have fun while you join me on my creative adventures!
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The most important things you need to be successful with any of my creative projects are the willingness to learn and to be easy on yourself as you are learning. We tend to be our worst critics and we need to learn to be kind to ourselves.
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Credit: Music:
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P.O. Box 113
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Copyright info: All Content on the website and Videos produced by Stephanie Bergeron (Deliberately Creative Sbergeron00) are intended for private use only. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video.