Have you been wondering, “How on earth do I finish a painting using resin?” Well you are in luck! This time we are going to get 4 projects covered with resin in less than 30 minutes! (Not counting the stirring, resting curing of the Art Resin).
Art Resin is a lovely product that is mixed 1:1. I doesn’t have any VOCs, has a very light oder that is slightly floral, no chemical smell to it in my opinion. I has about 45 minutes of open time and is really easy to work with. It says that it is non yellowing and that is really great especially when we are covering our art work with it. 🙂
I share ALL the steps to finishing 4 different projects: a Painted Cat and Goldfish on a Rock, Glitter Unicorn on a panel, 3 Outer Space Owls on a Tray and an Accidental Dragon painting on a Gessobord.

By the time we are done you will find out how easy Art Resin really is.
Make sure to check out the Art Resin Coverage Calculator at http://bit.ly/ArtResinCalculator
Any items with links are Affiliate links for things that I have actually purchased and used in this ideo. I do earn a small commission if you make a purchase. Those links don’t change the prices you pay and they do help my channel. 🙂 Thank you!!
You will need a Fully dried/cured and painted project
Disposable cup to mix the resin in
Stirring sticks (Anything that can be used to stir the resin that you don’t mind throwing away.
Small Butane Torch (Kitchen section – torch for Creme Brulee): https://amzn.to/2LsbI2W (The only time I use a torch with my art is when I am using Resin- It is recommended by the Art Resin company people to use a torch for the most effective bubble removal.)
Something to cover your surface
Art Resin: https://amzn.to/2NsUpzl #ArtResin Pallet Knife: The Art Sherpa Pallet Knife Set by Silver Brush LTD: https://amzn.to/2L9ImKR #SilverbrushLtd #Artsherpabrushes There’s no silicon oil or torching in my projects as I really worry about the possible side effects of heating the acrylic paints and the materials they are made from. I’m also concerned with the possible issues down the line with the paint not forming a good bond with the surface because of the oils preventing proper adhesion.
We all have to weigh the pros and cons of how we interact with our art supplies. Experimenting can be exciting and beautiful, but there can be consequences we don’t know about yet. As with any thing in life be informed by reputable sources and your own common sense. 🙂
I have a creative spirit that loves to explore and experiment with all kinds of Arts and Craft! I hope you have fun while you join me on my creative adventures! Make sure you have clicked that Subscribe button and the Bell so you will be notified when new videos go up! Fun things are planned and I hope you will be a part of them!
The most important things you need to be successful with any of my creative projects are the willingness to learn and to be easy on yourself as you are learning. We tend to be our worst critics and we need to learn to be kind to ourselves.
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(Affiliate Links will take you to a shop where I will earn a small commission when you purchase – I will not change your prices ever!)
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Credit: Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Deliberately Creative
P.O. Box 113
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Copyright info: Videos produced by Stephanie Bergeron (Deliberately Creative Sbergeron00) are intended for private use only. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video. Thank you.